The Overnight Oats
3 tbsp oats
1 tbsp chia seeds
0.5 tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp plain thick yoghurt
6 tbsp water

Cream Cheese Sauce
1 tbsp milk
0.5 tbsp cream cheese
0.5 tbsp maple syrup

honey salted nuts, crushed


The night before, combine oats, chia seeds, maple syrup, plain thick yogurt, and water in a bowl.

Give it a good stir and let thicken in the fridge overnight (about 8 hours).

In the morning, stir the oats and transfer them to a new bowl.

Make the Cream Cheese Sauce by mixing milk, cream cheese, and maple syrup.

Top the oats with the Cream Cheese Sauce, some blueberries, and crushed honey salted nuts.


– Any kind of nuts should work! And if you don’t like nuts or can’t eat them due to allergy, you can replace them with crushed digestive biscuits!

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